Pediatric Root Canal Therapy
A cavity involving the nerve, or pulp, of a tooth may cause excruciating pain for your child. Although the pain may be manageable using painkillers such as ibuprofen, it will keep recurring until the underlying problem is resolved. When the nerve of a child’s tooth has been infected, Pediatric Root Canal Therapy may be recommended by our pediatric team to restore health to your child’s mouth and prevent decay from spreading further.
While root canals may sound unusual for children, they are actually routine procedures that can help save your child’s smile.
Root Canals for Primary (Baby) Teeth
For younger children who still have their primary teeth, a root canal treatment is typically recommended unless the tooth is about to fall out on its own. If the tooth does not get a root canal and eventually has to be removed, there may be problems with the new adult teeth coming in.
Root Canal Treatment for Kids with Permanent Teeth
For children and teens with their adult or permanent teeth in place, root canals are necessary when bacteria or tooth decay infects the tooth’s pulp. Since this infection can permanently damage your child’s teeth if not properly treated, it’s important to see us as soon as your child shows symptoms including:
- Sharp pain in teeth
- Teeth sensitive to hot or cold food and beverages
- A broken tooth with exposed root or nerve
Root canal treatment is needed to avoid the premature loss of primary or permanent molars. Dental caries and traumatic injury are the primary reasons for pulp therapy in children. Due to the loss of tooth structure involved in teeth requiring pediatric root canal therapy, full coverage restoration such as a pediatric crown may be necessary.
Preventing Pulp Damage
The optimal approach is to prevent pulp damage by helping your child keep their teeth healthy and protected – beginning with good dental hygiene practices, regular dental visits, and the use of protective mouthguards when playing sports.
Call Us!
For the best of the best in Comprehensive Pediatric Dental Care in New York City, call Park Smiles NYC Pediatrics today at 212-461-9120. We look forward to serving you with an unsurpassed commitment to comfort, compassion and empathetic care!